Database Management Practical File
INDEX SR NO. EXPERIMENT DATE SIGNATURE 01 INTRODUCTION TO ORACLE 02 DATA TYPES OF SQL 03 SQL COMMANDS 04 ENHANCING PERFORMANCE 05 GRANTING AND REVOKING PERMISSIONS 06 JOINS 07 CONSTRAINTS 08 FUNCTIONS INTRODUCTION TO ORACLE CLIENT SERVER COMPUTING ARCHITECTURE It consists of two or more computers designated as client machine running an application program which communicates with remote computer designated as server machine which serves request from client machine. In basic model of client server computing, RDBMS resides on server machine. The application program which resides on client machine interfaces with client software called middleware that are responsible for communicating request & results between their application programs and RDBMS. CLIENT The Client is the front END application of a database which interacts with the server. The Client has more responsibility for accessing the data, it concentrates on the requests. The processing and pres...